Sunday, March 9, 2008

Chapters 1-5

Chapter 1:
In the book Nathan Radley took over the job from his father of watching his brother Arthur. Why do you think it is so important for someone to watch over Arthur? Do you think this will play a major role in the book?

Chapter 2:
How does Scout’s class compare with your own? Why would Miss Caroline not want her students to know how to read and write before starting school?

Chapter 3:
Should Miss Caroline have let Burris Ewell leave school? What would you have done in that situation?

Chapter 4:
Scout finds a gift in the tree in the Radley lot. Was it a good idea for her to keep what she found? Who do think is putting the gifts in the tree?

Chapter 5:
Compare how Dil Harris has changed since first being introduced in the book. Do you think he is the same as he was his first summer in Maycomb?


Anonymous said...

Scout's class is very different from my own class. Scout is discouraged from learning outside class while we are encouraged to participate in academic growth outside school. I think miss Caroline did not want her students to know how to read and write before school because she was knew and felt lost. She probably feels pressure with teaching and doesn't want competition with her teaching techiques. It may also make her feel like she has no purpose to teach or incite to give to the students if they are ahead of their time.

Anonymous said...

Scouts' class is extremely different than mine! I guess in her school everything is taught and learned inside of the classroom. Kind of discourages the concept of homework in a way. The teacher probably thinks that since she came from a big university everything is done that way she learned it and culture or tradition plays no part in school at all. Ms. Caroline probably suspects that by the parents teaching their kids they will teach incorrectly and their brain will be forvever scarred. Not a bad assumption... their education system wasn't great to begin with. That's how their school is different than mine.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Caroline made the right decision letting Burris leave class. A new teacher has no business messing with the tradition of the town. Until she has been there long enough to know how it works, she has to respect the fact that the kids know how things work around there. I wouldn't like it at all if a new teacher came into Marblehead and change rules that had been in place since as long as I can remember. The Ewells get to leave school. Culture. Just like all towns have culture. It was right for her not to question something that was set in stone, and received respect for it. All the kids comferted her. If she hadn't let him go, do you think they would have been as sypathetic? Probably not. That's why she made the right choice letting him leave.

eileen d said...

It is great to hear your teacher is not as stubborn as Miss Caroline is. Miss Caroline just finished college and is new to teaching. I am sure she is extremely nervous to teach to her own class without anyone helping her. She also has to implement a new teaching system that the whole school will soon be following. She probably had no idea what to do when Scout showed she was literate. Miss Caroline never had to deal with this before and is just following what the school is telling her to do.

Brian Oddi said...


You have some excellent idea's. Good work.

Anonymous said...

it important to watch arthur, because he might do something bad if someone isn't watching. also arthuris going to become a important person in the story, because he is going to do something that going to make you think and that going to mak the story better.