Thursday, March 27, 2008

Chapters 16-20

Chapter 16
Why is being considered a "mixed child" so troublesome?

Chapter 17:
During the trial, Atticus repeatedly asked the witnesses if anyone ever called a doctor to help Mayella. Why was this fact so important in the case?

Chapter 18:
As Atticus is questioning Mayella, he seems to be getting at something. At this point in the story, do you think Atticus will be able to save Tom Robinson from a guilty verdict?

Chapter 19:
In this chapter, we heard from Tom Robinson. What kind of man do you think he is?

Chapter 20:
Atticus has a very strong closing argument. If you were a jury member, how would Atticus' final words reflect on your verdict?


Anonymous said...

I think Atticus will be able to save Tom Robinson from a guilty verdict at this point in the story. Atticus seems to be getting to something as he questions Mayella. I still feel uncertain though, because Tom Robinson is African American, and the twon is very predjudice against African Americans. They could also be judged unfairly because of this.

Lauren said...

Emily, this is a very nice response. Atticus does make great points and seems to be very good at his job. However, I do agree with you that the town is predjudice and this jury may have a difficult time believing Tom is not guilty.

Anonymous said...

Ch.16- Being considered a "mixed child" is so troublesome because the children are very lonely. Black people do not want to be friends with them because they are half white and white people do not want to befriend them because they are half black. Therefore, the children are very lonely because nobody wants to fraternize with them just because they are half black and half white. said...

Abby, I think you are completely correct on this. The children are mixed children because they are half black and half white and it is very sad that no one wants to be friends with them because of that. It's sad that people just can't look past that. Great observation.

Anonymous said...

The reason why being mixed is troublesome is because black churches won't allow mixed people in because they are half white, white churches won't allow mixed people in because they are half black.