Sunday, March 30, 2008

Chapters 16-20

Chapter 16
Explain the quote below and what it means in the story.
“The court appointed Atticus to defend him. Atticus aimed to defend him.”

Chapter 17
Atticus keeps asking the witnesses if a doctor saw Mayella after the attack. Why would this information be so important to know? How could that affect the testimony of the witnesses?

Chapter 18
After hearing Mayella’s testimony do you believe her and what she has to say? What evidence has been proven to support your decision?

Chapter 19
How was the way Mr. Gilmer asked questions to the witnesses different from the way Atticus asked questions to the witnesses? Did they both treat the witnesses in the same manner?

Chapter 20
Mr. Raymond confesses to Scout that he is not a heavy drinker and just pretends to be so the town will have a reason for thinking poorly of his lifestyle. Do you think he is being brave or cowardly by acting this way?


Anonymous said...

Chap 20

I think that Mr. Dolphus Raymond is very brave for living with the type of people he favors more, black or white. Even though the rest of the community would not accept his personal views and choice of lifestyle, he still goes ahead and does what he wants to. I think it is cowardly, though, to fake being a drunkard as a cover for living with the blacks. If he is already living with them, what is the reason to cover up the true reason why he is part of the black community?

Anonymous said...

Im not exactly sure how to comment on a comment, but I would like to say that I agree that shahj.lcds's comment. Although that Mr. Raymond chooses to live with the black people because that is who he likes more, he thinks he needs an excuse for the rest of the town. If Mr. Raymond was truly cofortable with his descision and did not care about what the people in the town had to say abouthim, because he knew that he was doing the right thing, he would not make uo and excuse. Why he would pretend to do wrong, if he didn't have to?

Anonymous said...

Chapter 18:
No, I don't believe her. Mayella kept changing her story and because Tom only can use his right arm, it would be impossible for him to both beat her and choke her at the same time. At the end of Atticus's questions, Mayella stops answering, making me believe that she is hiding the truth.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 16
This quote means that Atticus isn’t defending Tom Robinson solely based on the fact that he had to, but that he wants to as well. He wants to defend Tom and wants to prove his innocence. If he was only defending him because he was forced to, the town would look more kindly upon Atticus. But the fact that he plans to defend Tom avidly only upsets them.

Anonymous said...

I think the quote, "The court appointed Atticus to defend him. Atticus aimed to defend him." means that Atticus took this case because morally, he felt like he had to do it. He said he wished he could get through life without doing a case like this. I think that though almost everyone else in Maycomb thinks that Tom Robinson is guilty, Atticus knows the truth and his conscience won't let him not bring justice to Tom Robinson.

eileen d said...

Mr. Raymond is one of few people in Maycomb that accept the black folks who live among them. I believe he is brave for making his own opinions about people and not just going with what everyone else believes. It is hard to understand a time when people made judgments based on the color of your skin, but that is an issue this book deals with. These were hard times when people were shunned if they went against the norm. Some of the townspeople in Maycomb are very ignorant in their views on life. Mr. Raymond understands people would rather believe one thing than come to grips with how they themselves live their lives.

Anonymous said...

The quote from ch. 16 represents that Atticus not only has to defend Tom Robinson but that he wants to help him as well. Atticus wants to defend Tom and Prove that he truly is innocent. If he was only defending Tom because he had to then the town of Maycobm would look at Atticus more nicely. But the fact that he has choosen to actually try his hardest to see to that Tom is not guilty upsets the towns people.

Anonymous said...

I think that Mr. Dolphus Raymond is a brave man for living with either blacks or whites. It shows that to him he doesn't care what people think about him living with the blacks. But I think he is a coward for tryng to cover up this by pretending to be a drunk. There is no reason for this because if he is already living with them what is the reason for tryng to cover it up. He should be pround that he is different and not look down upon it.

Yours truly said...

I think Mr. Raymond knew that if he didn't give people a reason to leave him alone, they would hound him until his dieing day. By being a drunk The people of Maycomb can say that he can't be changed and leave him alone. unlike Mr. Raymond, the Ewells want to be seen and heard and be a pain in the neck.