Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chapters 6-10

Chapter 6
On pages 56 and 57, Jem decided to go and get his pants back. Why do you think he was so determined to get them back? If you were Jem, would you have gone to get them back? Why or why not?

Chapter 7
Jem and Scout found two figures carved out of soap in the tree. They realized the figures were of them. Who do you think carved the figures? How would the person know all the specific details about them?

Chapter 8
Miss Maudie's house caught on fire. How do you think this happened? Why did Atticus, Jem, and Scout have to leave their house? Why did Scout shudder when Atticus started a fire in the kitchen stove?

Chapter 9
On page 89 Scout said, "But I never figured out how Atticus knew I was listening, and it was not until many years later that I realized he wanted me to hear every word he said."
What do you think Scout meant by this?

Chapter 10
On page 93, the author wrote that "Jem gulped like a goldfish,..." to describe the dog.
What literacy device is this? Why did the author use it?


Anonymous said...

Chapter 8

Miss Maudie's house catching on fire was just a freak accident. No one knew that her house would be caught on fire. Also, since Maycomb county is such a tightly knit group, I doubt that someone from Maycomb would try and burn her house down, if someone even burned her house down. The Finches were forced to flee their home because the smoke from Miss Maudie's house were blowing all over thier house, threatening to set it on fire. Scout shuddered when Atticus set a fire in the kitchen stove becausehe was so scared from the previous fire that burned Miss Maudie's hgouse that he did not want his house set on fire.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 6

I think Jem was so determined to get his pants back because he did not want to get caught by Atticus and the rest of the neighborhood as being the one who was on the Radley property. I think Jem is growing up a bit and doesn't want to feel responsible for childish actions.

Anonymous said...

I think that jem was so determined to go get his pants back was so that Boo didnt find them on his fence and get really mad. also i think that he wanted to get them back becasue if Atticus saw the pants caught on the fence he would get really mad at Jem for bothering Boo. If i were jem i would go get them back becasue they are my pants and i want them back.
i think that the person who carved the figures was boo. and he got so many details becasue he watches them play in the yard when they arnt looking.

ONE9077 said...

Kate, I really like your insights into Jem's character. He is showing some growth, but he also remains a bit childish in that he doesn't want to own up to his mistakes.

Anonymous said...

I think Jem was so determined to get his pants back because he didn't want to be caught for sneaking onto the Radley's property. His father Atticus told him not to go near there again, but he went against his wishes. He did not want to get in trouble for breaking his father's rules. I think he is now taking responsibility for his actions and is becoming more mature. If I was Jem in this situation, I would do exactly as he did, even though it was dangerous to try to get his pants back, him and I wouldn't want to get in trouble.

Anonymous said...

Braden--I agree with your statement about Scout being scared that her house would catch on fire. It would be hard to watch your neighbor lose her house.

Anonymous said...

Kate--I agree that Jem did not want Atticus to find out that he lost his pants on the Radley fence. I think that Jem does not want to disappoint his father.

Anonymous said...

John--I agree that Jem did not want to make Atticus upset. Atticus has spoken to him before about leaving Boo alone. I also like your idea that Boo was the person who carved the figures out of soap. I think Boo is just as interested in Jem and Scout as they are in him.

Anonymous said...

Ellie--I like how you were able to make a connection with Jem. Would you have gone back to get the pants just so you wouldn't get in trouble, or would you have felt bad disobeying your father?