Saturday, March 15, 2008

Chapters 6-10

Chapter #6
If you were Jem, would you have gone back for your pants? Explain why you would or wouldn't have gone back to get them.

Chapter #7
Do you think the Radleys knew who had been on their property? What message do you think they were sending Jem by mending and folding his pants?

Chapter #8
What do you think of Jem and Scout's snowman? How would you have made your first snowman ever?

Chapter #9
Atticus is defending Tom Robinson, even though he knows he can not win. Why do you think he tells Scout "I could never ask you to mind me again", if he did not take the case?

Chapter #10
How do Jem and Scout feel about their father Atticus?


Anonymous said...

Chapter 6: If I were Jem, it would be ludicrous of me to even think about going back for my pants. I definitely wouldn’t go back to retrieve them because Nathan Radley specifically said on page54 that he would shoot the next thing steps on his property “be it dog, nigger, or-Jem Finch!” I think it would be crazy to go back, if there was a chance that I could be shot down by Nathan Radley. I would rather not risk my life for a pair of pants.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 8: The light puffy flakes amazed my eyes as I watched the snow dance down that February. When my mother told me that I didn’t have to go to school, my face lit up. I jumped out of my bed in my “jammies” and rushed to put on my snow gear. I was destined not to waste a minute of my snow day, just like Jem and Scout. I started to roll up a huge mound of snow, and when it was big enough that I couldn’t carry it, I grabbed a wagon to transport it. Scout and Jem did something similar when they used Miss Maudie’s snow. I think Jem and Scout were very creative when they built their first snowman. Although my snowman was all snow and was not half mud man like Jem and Scout, we both had very similar experiences that snow day.

Anonymous said...

Chapter six
If i were Jem, I would have never gone back to get my pants, it would not be worth getting shot as proven that the next person who steps on Radleys property would be shot.

Sonnie said...

Zach & Abbey,
I do not believe that I would have gone back for my pants either. I think Jem went back because he was more afraid of being caught either by Atticus or Mr. Radley, this fear seemed to over-shadow any good judgement or common sense he may have had. Thanks for responding

Sonnie said...

I loved your story, it really made me believe you were building your first snowman ever. I think you are really getting to know these characters. Thanks for responding and happy reading!

Anonymous said...

Chapter 10: Scout and Jem do not appreciate their father. He is different then their fellow students’ fathers’ and that annoys them. They do not understand why he refuses to hunt, or why he doesn’t play poker with the neighbors. They also complain about his old age. They have all of these complaints, so I don’t understand why they care so much about his opinion. When Scout gets into a fight and Atticus tells her he is angry with her and doesn’t want her to fight, she listens. Both Jem and Scout try to act mature for the sake of their father.