Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chapters 6-10

Chapter 6
Jem has a tough decision to make the night he looses his pants in the Radley yard. If he goes back to get them he could get hurt, If he doesn't have them in the morning his father would know what he did and he would be punished. If you were in Jem's position, what would you have done?

Chapter 7
Jem and Scout decide to write a note to the person who is leaving items in the tree. If you were to write a letter to this person, what would it say?

Chapter 8
Many people in Maycomb had never seen snow before in their lives. If you were able to teach the townspeople something to do in the snow, what would it be? What would you want to share with the town that is special only when there is snow?

Chapter 9
Explain why Atticus would have wanted Scout to hear his discussion with his brother Jack.

Chapter 10
Why was the day Atticus shot Tim Johnson significant? Did anyone learn anything from this event?


Anonymous said...

If I were in Jem's position I would of gone back to get my pants as soon as I new my father was asleep. I would of done this because Boo's house isn't that far away and I no if I sprinted I would be able to get them, with my father not even noticeing that I was gone. And if I was quiet enough in the yard no one would catch me. If I wouldn't be able to do this I no that I would be in very big trouble the next day. And I would not want that. So that is what I would of done in that situation.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mia, and I would have definitely gone back to get my pants. I think it would be a lot easier to sneak around someone's dark, scary yard, rather than have to face my angry father who would be filled with disappointment. Also, if I went to retrieve my pants, I would probably end up with some sense of pride after succeeding with such a task.

Anonymous said...

If I was in Jem’s position I would have gone back to get my pants because I would rather get my pants than get in trouble with my father. Even though I could get hurt I would still be brave run in the yard and get my pants. Because it would show I was mature and not afraid.

Anonymous said...

If I were to write a letter to a person that was leaving gifts in a tree for us it would say, I appreciate your kindness why do you do it? What is your name? How old are you? I would want to learn more about this person and maybe even meet them. I think if they were nice enough to leave us a gift then they are really kind.

Anonymous said...

If I were in Jem's position, I would've gone back when everyone in the house was sleeping. Personally, I would rather go back and get my pants and not be in trouble, than have my neck chewed off by my father and the possibility of being grounded for the entire summer.

Anonymous said...

If I were writing the letter to the person leaving the knot hole gifts, I would say something like: "Why are you leaving us these presents? Who are you?My name is Marissa and my sister's name is August, and we really wish that whoever you are, that you would come outside and actually talk to us."

Anonymous said...

If I was in Jem's position I would not go back. If I did go back I would probably get caught. If I told my father the truth, he probably would not punish me becauase I was honest to him.

Anonymous said...

if i were in Jem position i would have went back to go get my pants, and if i got caught i would explain why my pants were there, in the first place. second i would have done it, when my dad is not there, when he is sleeping. i should have told him the the truth

Anonymous said...

If I were in Jem's position, I would have went back to the Radley House to get my pants. Boo Radley's house is fairly close. I also think facing an anrgy and strict father who was extremely ashamed of me would be less scary than retreiving pants from a creepy neighbor's yard.

Anonymous said...

If I were in Jem's position, I would have went back to the Radley House to get my pants. Boo Radley's house is fairly close. I also think facing an anrgy and strict father who was extremely ashamed of me would be less scary than retreiving pants from a creepy neighbor's yard.

Anonymous said...

If I were to write a letter to this person, I would ask him several questions. I would try not to be nosy, but ask him why he never left his house. I'd thank him for the gifts he left in the tree, and ask him why he gave them to us. I would also ask him if he would like to come outside and meet us.

eileen d said...

You all are very brave to decide to go back to get the pants even if you get hurt doing it. I could not imagine how Jem felt going back into the Radley yard to retrieve his pants. He knew Nathan Radley had a shotgun ready to shot at anyone or anything that came into his yard again. Knowing that information before sneaking back into the yard must have made his decision even harder. I guess the risk of getting hurt was not as bad as getting in trouble by his father. Jem didn’t want to lose his fathers trust. He knew he wasn’t supposed to go near the Radley house but yet he did. In Jem’s mind the only way to make everything ok was to go back and get his pants.

Anonymous said...

If I were teaching the townspeople something special to do in the snow, it would be to make a snow angel or a snowman. I would also want to share with them the warm feeling of hot cocoa after playing in the snow.

Anonymous said...

This day was significant because Jem and Scout thought that their dad was to old to do anything and that he wasn't good at anything. When they saw him shoot Tim Johnson, they thought differently. The children also learned that as a child, their dad was called "one shot" because he had such good aim.