Saturday, April 12, 2008

Chapters 26-31

Chapter 26
1.) Why did Jem get so mad when Scout mentioned the trial again, even though it was months later?

Chapter 27
2.) In the chapter Aunt Alexandria says that she thinks Bob Ewell has a grudge against everyone that was associated with the trial. Do you think Aunt Alexandria is right? Explain.

Chapter 28
3.) Who do you think is the person that followed and attacked Jem and Scout? What clues lead you to that person?

Chapter 29
4.) How do you think Scout feels when she sees Boo Radley for the first time?

Chapter 30
5.) We know from chapter 28 that Bob Ewell was found under a tree, dead, with a knife stuck under his ribs. Atticus is adamant in thinking Jem killed Bob Ewell. Heck Tate tells Atticus that Bob fell on his knife. If you were Atticus would you think you son killed Bob or try and protect him against the law? Explain.

Chapter 31
6.) How does Scout imagine the would from Boo Radley’s prospective?


Anonymous said...

Ch. 28- I think that the person who attacked Jem and Scout was Mr. Bob Ewell. This is because ever since the trial between Mayella and Tom Robinson, Mr. Ewell has had a grudge against everyone involved with the trial. Also, he had threatened Atticus saying that he would get him even if it took him his whole life. Mr. Ewell probably decided that it was finally the time to get his revenge by killing Atticus’ children, rather than killing Atticus. I don’t think Mr. Ewell was brave enough to kill Atticus, but he didn’t have any conscience about killing his kids.

Jenna said...

I agree with you. I think the person that attacked Jem and Scout was Mr. Bob Ewell. There were clues in the story that led us to believe it was him. It said in the story that when Scout fell on top of a man he had a prickly face and smelled like whisky. We know that Bob Ewell drank a lot. You brought up a good point that Bob Ewell wanted to get revenge on Atticus. It would probably be more hurtful on Atticus if Bob killed his children instead of hurting Atticus. That would be a greater revenge.

ONE9077 said...

I think that you made some really great insights when considering this question. I agree with you also that Bob Ewell is the one who attacked Jem and Scout. I also agree that Bob Ewell wasn't a brave enough man to go after Atticus, and I think that we have known all along that he didn't have any kind of a conscience. Great job!