Monday, April 7, 2008

Chapters 21-25 Questions

Chapter 21 Question

Why do you think Atticus allowed the children to return to the trial even though Calpurnia and Aunt Alexandra felt differently?

Chapter 22 Question

How do you think Atticus felt after Bob Ewell spat in his face?

Chapter 23 Question

In this chapter we learn that Bob Ewell threatens Atticus' life. Why is Atticus so understanding even though Bob Ewell is so rude?

Chapter 24 Question

Why do you think Tom tried escaping from jail? If you were Tom, would you have tried escaping from jail? Why or why not?

Chapter 25 Question

Why do you think Atticus takes Calpurnia with him to tell Helen Robinson about Tom's death?


Anonymous said...

I thought Atticus felt annoyed when Bob Ewell spat in his face because he was asked to come outside just to get spat on. If I was in Atticus’s position I would feel very disgusted.

Anonymous said...

I thought that Atticus felt very angry at Bon Ewell but being the gentleman Atticus is we wiped his face off thought about going at Bob but he took it like a man and drove off.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 24
I think Tom Robinson escaped from jail because he knew he was not guilty and he didnt deserve what he got. If i were Tom i wouldnt run away but i understand why he would himself. It would be too much of a risk for me to run because i would get caught and get into more trouble.

Anonymous said...

Ok I have a lot of typos my bad let me say it again I thought Atticus felt very angry that Bob Ewell spat in his face, but being the gentleman that Atticus is he wiped his face and then drove off.

Anonymous said...

Atticus is so understanding because he understod what Bob Ewell felt like.Bob Ewell had to have a comeback for destroying his last shred of credability at the trial,and that was his best way of getting him back. said...

Kaitlin and Jack...I do agree with both of you. I think Atticus was a very kind man and he would never say anything to Bob Ewell about spatting in his face. He was the bigger person and let it go. That must have been a very hard thing to do. said...

Zack...I see what you are saying. I wasn't think that Tom escaped because he knew he was not guilty. I thought it was because he didn't want to die in jail. But I could also agree with you. You opened my eyes to that possibility. Great thought.

Anonymous said...

I think that Atticus felt angry and understanding after Bob Ewell spat on his face. Atticus is a kind and understanding person who is well educated and knowledgeable. Bob Ewell is an uneducated and ignorant man. Atticus felt bad for Bob Ewell for his lack of knowledge and manners. Atticus had courage to stand up for what he believed in, while Bob Ewell eagerly encouraged what was wrong. Atticus chose not to fight back to Bob Ewell, and walked away with his pride. said...

Emily...I agree with you. I think that Atticus is a well educated man and he has many manners that I think he has taught his children. I think he did the right thing by walking away because if he would have done something or said something to Bob what is he teaching his children.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was right of Atticus to let Scout and Jem come back to the trial. He wanted them to see how it was going to work out, and so they could get a taste of justice. You have to have certain experiences in life to better understand everything, and seeing a innocent man being convicted for unfair reasons will teach them a lesson.

Anonymous said...

Of course Atticus was offended when Bob Ewell spat in his face. Do you know anyone who likes getting spit in the face? He knew that by taking Tom Robinson's case he would get downplayed in society. The only thing he doesn't want to happen is Scout and Jem witnessing such things. He easily could have hit Bob, but he knew that would set a very bad example for Scout and Jem, after telling them time after time not to fight. said...

Ben...I am not so sure that I agree with you about Atticus wanted the children at the trail to teach them a lesson. I think if anything it will teach them how unfair the justice system by sending an innocent man to jail. I enjoyed your comment. It made me think about the trial a little more than I had before.