Friday, April 4, 2008

Chapters 21-25

Chapter 21
1.) In this chapter Calpurnia walks into the courtroom to give Atticus a note. The note says Jem, Scout, and Dill have not been home for most of the day. We learn Calpurnia is mad at the children. Why did shy tell Jem, Scout, and Dill, “Shame of yourself?”

Chapter 22
2.) How do you think Atticus handled Bob Ewell spitting in his face? Explain

Chapter 23
3.) Jem and Atticus talk about the law and Tom Robinson’s case. Do you think Tom Robinson’s case has had an effect on what Jem might want to be when he gets older? Explain.

Chapter 24
4.) Scout is in a dress and attends Aunt Alexandra’s missionary circle. Do you think this is the beginning of Scout becoming a lady? Expain.

Chapter 25
5.) Jem told Scout not to kill the bug because it did not do anything to her. What or who was Jem referring to?


Anonymous said...

Chapter 23
Regarding Jem’s future career, I don’t know if he will be inclined to become a lawyer to defend people such as Tom, but I do think his attitude will reflect the things he saw in his youth. He had strong feelings about the case, and was disgusted and upset when the jury convicted an innocent man. I think that he will be like Atticus, and not be prejudiced, and not stereotype people. He will try to become an open minded man, not closed minded like the majority of the people in Maycomb.

Jenna said...

I agree with your answer. I think that because of the trial Jem will not be prejudice towards blacks. I think that the trial made Jem open his eyes towards blacks and people in general (especially in Maycomb). I do think the trial might inspire Jem to become a lawyer one day like Atticus because he will want to help innocent people.

Good work!