Sunday, April 6, 2008

Chapters 21-25

Chapter 21
Why was Atticus so greatly respected by the community even though he lost the case for Tom?
Are you surprised by the verdict?

Chapter 22
Jem is filled with overwhelming emotion in this chapter. How is Jem's character portrayed in this chapter due to the verdict?

Chapter 23
"Jem, see if you can stand in Bob Ewall's shoes a minute." Atticus says this to Jem after Bob threatens Atticus' life. Why is Atticus giving Bob the benefit of the doubt, even though Bob is being so nasty.

Chapter 24
What big event happens in this chapter?

Chapter 25
Why do you think Atticus takes Cal with him to let Helen know about Tom?


Anonymous said...

ch 22

Jem is very angry with the way the trial turned out. He understood and was more matured than scout so he felt really awful about the verdict. He said it wasn't fair or right and felt strongly about that.

Anonymous said...

Ch.24- The big event that happens in this chapter is the death of Tom Robinson. While in jail, Tom made a run for it and tried to escape by climbing over the fence. The guards shouted at him to stop and gave warning shots, but he did not stop. The guards then shot him seventeen times and killed him.

Lauren said...

Jem is extremely effected by the verdict. I agree that he doesn't think it is fair or right. In his eyes, Tom is not guilty and he can't understand why others don't feel the same way. He also doesn't like that his dad lost. It is difficult for a child to see his parent fail and this hurts Jem.

ONE9077 said...

I agree with you that Jem is more mature than Scout and Dill. I believe that he is struggling with the reality that the people in his town are not perfect, and that their prejudice has cost Tom Robbinson his life.