Friday, March 14, 2008

Chapter 6-10 Questions

Chapter 6
1.) Even thought Atticus told Dill, Jem, and Scout to stay away from the Radley house, why would they want to try and go back especially at night?

Chapter 7
2.)Who do you think put the soap, gum, spelling bee metal, and old pocket watch in the tree? Why do you think Nathan filled the knothole with cement?

Chapter 8
3.) How do you think Boo Radley could put the blanket on Scout without her knowing?

Chapter 9
4.) If you were Scout would you have handled Francis the same or differently? Explain.

Chapter 10
5.) Would you be embarrassed of Atticus like Jem and Scout? Why or why not?


Anonymous said...

I think Boo Radley put the gum, spelling bee metal and old pocket watch in the tree. I think all of these items put in the tree are foreshadowing to a later part in the book. I think Nathan filled the knothole with cement to keep Boo from sending items to the children. I don’t think Nathan wants Boo to be having anything to do with the children, and he defiantly doesn’t want Boo to be sending things to the children. I think Nathan knows that Boo is dangerous, and doesn’t want Boo to harm anybody, especially children.

Jenna said...

Very good answer! I agree with you. I think Boo Radley put the gum, spelling bee metal, soap, and old pocket watch in the tree. I think Boo knows the children are very interested in him. It is going to be interesting to see what happens with Boo and the children. Good Job!