Saturday, March 29, 2008

Chapters 16-20

Chapter 16
1.) Why did Jem, Scout, and Dill sit in the balcony where the black people sit? Do you think they have an open mind towards black people unlike the people of Maycomb County? Explain.

Chapter 17
2.) Do you think it was smart for Atticus to have Bob Ewell write his name while being cross-examined? What was the reason for having Bob Ewell write his name?

Chapter 18
3.) How was Mayella Ewell’s home life? Why was it important for the jury to hear about her home life?

Chapter 19
4.) After hearing Tom Robinson testify, what kind of man do you think he is? If you were on the jury would you think he was guilty or innocent? Explain.

Chapter 20
5.) Why did Mr. Dolphus Raymond drink coca-cola out of a paper bag and act like he was drunk?


Anonymous said...

Ch 18

Mayella Ewell's home life was a bit chaotic. Kids in her family never went to school and they were very poor. It was important to show what kind of people were pressing these charges. It showed that the Ewell's weren't exactly innocent trustworthy people. The jury could then have a better picture of the situation and determine how accurate the Ewell's story was.

Jenna said...

I completely agree with you. I think it was important to hear about her home life because it didn’t seem to be a good one. She didn’t have any friends and it seemed that she was like the mother. I agree the jury needed to hear how her home life was to get a better picture of how the Ewell’s were.

Good Answer!