Saturday, March 15, 2008

Chapters 6-10

Chapter 6:
In this chapter, Dill and Jem are still thinking of ways to be around the Radley house. What do Dill and Jem decide to do in this chapter and what happens to Jem's pants?

Chapter 7:
Who do you think folded and sewed Jem's pants? Why would this person do this?

Chapter 8:
In this chapter, Miss Maudie's house is on fire. The neigbor's help and Jem and Scout watch from a safe distance. Atticus tells them that Boo Radley placed a blanket on Scout's shoulders to keep her warm. Why would such an evil, scary man do such a nice thing for a little girl? At this point in the book, what are your thoughts on Boo Radley?

Chapter 9:
"Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started it is no reason for us not to try to win".
Atticus is defending Tom Robinson, even though he knows he won't win. What does this quote mean?

Chapter 10:
In this chapter, we learn that Atticus has the deadest shot in Maycomb county. Why does he keep this information from his kids? Is he proud of this skill?


Anonymous said...

I think that Boo Radley sewed Jem's pants, and in my opinion, I think he did it to show the kids that he is not the monster the children are making him out to be. He did it to show a humane side of him.

Lauren said...

I agree with you comment. Boo wants to be considered a nice person. He has a compassionate side to him that we are beginning to see more and more of.

Anonymous said...

I agree with maggie H. I think that Boo Radley sewed Jem's pants to show he really isn't the monster they think he is. I agree that he did it to show the humain side, the side that cares.