Saturday, April 12, 2008

Chapters 26-31

Chapter 26
Why does Harper Lee bring up democracy in this chapter?

Chapter 27
If given the opportunity, would Bob Ewell have hurt Helen Robinson?

Chapter 28
Should Atticus have attended the play with his children? Why did he think it was ok to let them go alone?

Chapter 29
How does Mr. Tate help Atticus in this chapter?

Chapter 30
We finally meet Boo Radley in this chapter. Is he the character that you imagined him to be?

Chapter 31
How does Atticus provide so much comfort for Scout in this chapter and throughout the book?


Lauren said...

I loved the ending of the book and finally getting to see the wonderful person that is Boo Radley. He has a wonderful heart and cares about Scout and Jem. I just loved picturing Scout and Boo sitting outside together on the bench.

Anonymous said...

Harper Lee brings up democracy in this chapter because while the teacher is explaining it, she voices her opinion about Hitler. She thinks that it is wrong to separate the Jews because they contribute to the community as much as everyone else. They are respected and she disagrees with their imprisonment. She also says that in a democracy there is no prejudice. However, she thinks it’s a good thing that Tom was convicted. Harper Lee wants to show that people are hypocritical.